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Tavapan SA
Rue de la Dout 10
2710 Tavannes
Telephone: +41 32 482 64 30
Fax: +41 32 482 64 40

Walter Zürcher, CEO

Registered in Tavannes, Switzerland under the registration number CH-
Sales tax identification number: CHE-116.033.342 TVA
Economic identification number: CHE-116.033.342

Legal disclaimer

Content and liability
The website of Tavapan SA contains general information about the company, products and services. The website is a service for the customers and visitors of Tavapan. Tavapan SA reserves the right to supplement, change or delete the content of the pages at any time without prior notice or statement of reasons. The user acknowledges that the information may become outdated over time. Tavapan SA can not assume any guarantee or liability for the accuracy, completeness and accuracy of the information or information provided on the website. In particular, Tavapan SA assumes no responsibility and liability for the accuracy, completeness and accuracy of content obtained from third parties.

No binding offer
No information on the website of Tavapan SA constitutes a binding offer to a visitor of the website, unless the information is expressly referred to as a binding offer. If there are any doubts, the visitor must assume that Tavapan SA does not want to make a binding offer.

Intellectual property
All information, indications and illustrations wich are contained on the website of Tavapan SA are, unless otherwise indicated, created by Tavapan SA and are its property. All contents of the internet pages are protected by copyright. The reproduction (in full or in part), transmission (electronically or by other means), modification, linking or use of this website or its contents for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of Tavapan SA.

Any liability of Tavapan SA for damages or consequential damages resulting from the access to the elements of the Tavapan SA website or its use (or from the impossibility of access or use) is excluded as far as legally possible. Neither Tavapan SA nor other parties involved in the creation, design and provision of are liable for direct, indirect, consequential or other damages - whether due to non-compliance with contractual obligations, mild to moderate negligence or other tort - as a result of the visit, use or lack of use of as well as due to errors or omissions in the content. Tavapan SA has not checked the websites linked to Tavapan SA and accepts no responsibility for their contents, the products, services or other offers offered on them.

Even if Tavapan SA tries to process e-mails on time, their reception may be disturbed for technical or operational reasons. Tavapan SA does not guarantee the timely processing of e-mails.

Exclusively Swiss law (excluding any conflict of laws) applies to the present contractual relationship. Jurisdiction for all arising litigation in connection with this contract is the statutory seat of Tavapan SA. However, Tavapan SA is entitled to assert its claims at its own choice at the domicile or domicile of the customer.